Thursday, July 30, 2009

Luci's Interview with Mr. Romance 2009, Charles Paz!

This is the interview I got with the wonderful, amazing, funny, and totally OMG HAWT Mr. Romance 2009, Charles Paz. If you're not at least half in love with him by the time you get done reading, you need to check your pulse!

He was very truthful and incredibly patient as I shamelessly dragged this interview out into more than 70 questions! But the best part is...he's a bigger flirt than I am!

Enjoy ladies!

Luci: If we could do this interview in person and you chose the place, where would we be?

Charles: On the beach in Acapulco with the waiters constantly bringing us drinks. Hee hee hee

Luci: OMG! Is that an evil laugh I hear? LOL! What exactly would that laugh be for?

Charles: Well, we did that Q&A with your crazy ladies at the convention, and if I remember, I had to take a drink before every answer. I was feelin wuvwy afterwards =-)

Luci: I did some research on body building. It comes from a very long history of body modification. How did you get into it?

Charles: Well, I always worked out. Then I would go at eat fast food. I was the chubby guy of the group of friends that I worked out with. I got tired of it and decided the best way to buckle down and get in shape is to commit to a bodybuilding show. 4 months later, I went from 280lbs to 204 on stage. I took 5th at that show which was the Sacramento NPC show in November of 2007. I came back to the July show in 2008 and took 2nd in my class.

Luci: Yeah I think I found some pictures of you online in one of those competitions. You looked kinda skinny…but that’s just my personal opinion! LOL!

Charles: Stefan wasn’t the only guy from the competition who used to be a chunky monkey. I used to weigh nearly 300 lbs!!! My friends nick-named me “turtle” just like the guy from the HBO series “Entourage”. I see myself more like Vincent Chase now.

Luci: Mmmmm…No, better. Much better! LOL!

Charles: AWWWWW!!! Look at you scorin cool points for no reason.=-P

Luci: Now that you’ve won Mr. Romance 2009 (CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Will you continue with the body building or just stick with modeling?

Charles: I’ll do both. Just won’t be a MASS-MONSTER, but will stay in shape. I'll do more of a "Men’s Health" magazine rather than a FLEX magazine cover, ya know?

Luci: Ok so less bulky, more lean muscle. You know we women go nuts for lean muscle! *waggles eyebrows* LOL!

Charles: Don’t worry, there will still be more of me to get your hands on.

Luci: Good, because I plan on testing that when I get to RT next year! And I know I’m not the only one! LOL!

Charles: There you go teasin me again. HaHaHa we will see exactly where those hands will be going Hmmmm…..

L: *Speechless...AGAIN!*

L: How did you get into modeling?

C: After my show, someone asked me if I got my pictures taken. They told me I was in the best shape of my life and I needed to document it. They told me about and how photographers will take your pictures and not charge you and stuff. The rest is history. I networked and sold my self to all these people. I’m glad I did because I would just be another guy in the gym had I not heard about this website

L: Just another guy? Oh I don’t think so, but you’re half right because then you never would have met everyone you met at RT! LOL!

C: And I totally miss all of them!! I’d love to re-live that week for sure. Maybe do a few things different. Hee, hee hee!

L: Really? What would that be?

C: Oh my goodness!!!! I could be soooooooo bad right now and we know it. I keed I keed!! Maybe not talk to a certain *cough cough* author *cough* HaHaHa. I probably would have stayed out a little later than usual. I did go to bed at a descent time while I was there, but I should have stayed out and ‘mingled’ a little more with people. I also wish I would have met a few people at the beginning of the week rather than the final day or two. Some of the coolest people I got to hang out, I didn’t get to met till the end. It was either because they haven’t been to an event that I was in or they had a certain “label” about me. You know, “Oh he’s a cover model” “He has no brain”; “He’s a jerk and a man-whore, etc. etc.” I wish that people would have been a little less prejudice about me because, and I know you can agree with me, I’m not like your previous models. Even Pat Simmons daughter, Simi, said that we were probably the coolest group of guys that has ever been at the convention. I’ve heard the stories of how arrogant and cocky the other guys have been. I would truly hope that after this event, people at least give the new batch of guys a chance to make an ass out of themselves before they label them assholes. The only reason I didn’t talk to somebody at this convention, was because they were already engages in conversation with the other contestants and I didn’t want to butt in and be rude. I met a few girls at the end who said they didn’t like me because I didn’t talk to them all week. I was shocked, but explained my theory and policy for approaching people. They were also sitting with two other contestants who they liked a lot. After I explained, and apologized, they saw where I was coming from and understood. And we actually danced a few songs later on that final night. Just goes to show you the trype of guy that I truly am. Some people said I didn’t need to “kiss-ass” and apologize, but, I wanted to right a wrong and let these ladies know that there was a small mistake and I’m not that kind of guy. That’s who I really am. I know people go around with a “I don’t care what people think about me” attitude. I know I’m not gonna please everyone, but I do care what people say about me. And that is why I always conduct myself in a respectable manner. You never know who will be watching you. If you were sitting alone and I saw that, rest assured you wouldn’t be alone for too long (sorry this response is kinda long, it just brought up a few memories I thought you should know).

L: Totally understand. It's a well-known mindset and you deserved to have your say about it.

L: What is your nickname and what name do you prefer to go by?

C: The MAIN MAN. That’s what I love people to call me. It just flows off the tongue just right. Plus, it just sounds cool for people to say, "Oh, I met the MAIN MAN, or I just shot with THE MAIN MAN". When you hear people say it, you now there is only one. There are plenty of Charles, but only one MAIN MAN =-) Plus, its something different than the norm. It gets you noticed and strikes curiosity in the people when you say it.

L: Do you realize how absolutely impossible it is to say that with a straight face? LOL! But then, anyone who thinks of you can’t help but smile, right? So I guess that’s just par for the course! LOL!

L: What do your peers in modeling and body building think of you competing for Mr. Romance?

C: My bodybuilding friends think it is very awesome and are the most supportive group of guys you can meet. 3 of them are actually competing this weekend for a body building competition in Hayward. I’m glad I made it back in time to help them with their final week of prep. It’s a very hard thing to do but the support of others around, helps make it worth it. I will start my prep in a few weeks. I plan on competing again at the Sacramento NPC show in the beginning of November. I will look way better this time around as it will be my 3rd show. You only get better with each and every show you do.

L: You have got to give us the dates for that. You’ll have a bunch of cheerleaders online and elsewhere.

C: HaHaHaHa!!! I would love to have some those “cheerleaders” help me put my posing oil on before I step on stage…..Any takers? Hmmmmm?

L: Will you be going to Columbus for RT Con 2010?

C: YES!! And I am very excited for that. Can’t wait to see everybody again.

L: I know! I’m excited too! I think I might spend the whole year planning it too! LOL! So will you have any official role next year?

C: Ya know what? I would love to show up a few days early and help out in any way with the convention people. Meeting the contestants and easing their nerves. Maybe do a workshop or 5! I would want to be involved in every and any way that I can. I’m not a superstar, or anything special. But I’d love to raffle off my time for lunches or breakfasts and have the proceeds go to a charity. Ya know? One on one time with these wonderful people and having the money going to a great cause. Doing the S.O.S. shoots during the week was truly an awesome thing to do. We actually had two veterans come by and get their picture taken with us. I know I might sound lame, but I did get goose bumps and a little misty-eyed when they showed up because I might play a hero for a book, but those guys are the “true heroes” in my book.

L: It doesn’t sound lame at all. I LOVE the idea of raffling off your breakfast and lunch dates! What charity did you have in mind?

C: Ya know, when it comes to charities, you seem to notice that the ones that are put together by famous people, are because it is as a tragedy that happened in their life. Personally, I would like to sponsor a charity that isn’t as high profiled as others are. I definitely would do the S.O.S. fundraiser again, without a doubt, because it is something that I really enjoyed doing during the event. It was just a picture, but the money made was going to a great cause and I’m very proud to be apart of it. I do believe that we should not only support our soldiers, but support the veterans of the wars as well. My grandfather served in the Air Force and fought in three major wars in his lifetime. Although I haven’t served my country, I highly respect those that do and pray for them and their families.

L: Favorite Liquor?

C: Grey Goose Vodka. Or if its drinks then Vodka Red Bull or Long Islands. You can never go wrong with shots of PATRON though =-)

L: *scribbles furiously in a notebook* LOL!

C: Hmmm…What are you writing over there?

L: Oh you will just have to wait for next year to find out! LOL!

L: Favorite Beverage?

C: Water with Crystal Light

L: Are you serious? Ick! Sorry, can’t agree with you there, but then my southern-self prefers sweet tea.

L: Favorite Color?

C: Green

L: Age?

C: 29, I don’t need to lie.

L: Lie? Who said anything about lyin’? LOL! You’re too cute to be younger than me! It’s not fair! LOL!

L: Sexual Preference?

C: Women and only Women!!! HaHaHaHa

L: Sexual position?

C: What ever position makes the woman moan loudest. I’m a giver. Making sure the woman is being pleased is what matters most to me when it comes to making love.

L: *fans self*

C: Here, let me help you. *Pulls branch from nearby palm tree and starts fanning with one hand and feeing drink with the other*

L: Hmmm…*giggle* Such a talented man! I think I really like this interview! LOL!

C: Well, there is one other position that I love doing. I don’t want to get toooo graphic, because I want to keep this PG-13, but let me say just this, there is a YouTube video of me military pressing 200 LBS over my head verily easily...... I’ll let you use your imagination and guess what else I can do in the bedroom. =-)

L: *Speechless*

L: When’s your birthday?

C: April 3rd

L: YAHOO! I get to send you a birthday present before next RT! Gonna have to think up something really good….hmmm…LOL!

C: Psshh!! You can just give it to me (in my room) when I see you at the convention next year! *evil hee, hee, hee*

L: Oh! Well, it’d be rude to refuse an invitation like that, now wouldn’t it? And I wasn’t raised to be rude! LOL!

L: Are you single?

C: Single and ready to Mingle. HAHAHA

L: Oh ladies…we’re all in trouble now! LOL!

C: Oh my!! I wish I was the one getting in trouble to be honest. So all of you beautiful women are welcome to get some trouble.

L: Wow, what an invitation…

L: Got Kids?

C: Well, my niece and 3 nephews are my kids. I love them more than anything else. And in about two more months, you can add another niece and nephew to my credits. I love being an Uncle.

L: Aw!!

L: Want Kids?

C: I’m happy with the ones I have. I’ll let time decide for me if I will have some.. Many people tell me I would make a perfect dad, I just need to find the perfect mom for my kids then I guess.

L: You know, that is so unbelievably sexy. And not just because I’m a mom. You know…someone needs to clone you and hand one out to every single woman in the world. We’d be ecstatic! LOL!

C: Hahahaha. Sometimes one of me is more than enough. But I have had women take hair and skin samples for some strange reason. *scratches head*

L: Do believe in soulmates?

C: Sigh.....Yes

L: What do you think would be the perfect job for you? The job of your dreams?

C: Perfect job would be a bouncer at a STRIP CLUB!!!! OOWWW BAY-BAY!!! HAHAHAHA J/K Seriously, I’d love to own my own Gym and fitness facility. It’s a place I will never be bored at and will always want to go work at.

L: See, I’d go, but I’d be too distracted by a trainer as adorable as you! LOL!

C: Stick with me, I’ll make you burn some calories!! Oooowwwww Baaaaay-Baaaaayyy!!!

L: Wooh…um…really? Cause let’s face it, I could stand to loose a few pounds. And if you’re gonna be “working” on me…I don’t think exercise would seem quite as horrible as it has in the past! LOL! Actually have you thought of doing an exercise video? LOL! I’d be happy to place my order now!

C: I’m going to be doing a show. Within the next few months, I will be taking short video of me in the gym and posting them on YouTube. Ya Know; just so you guys can watch and see Mr. Romance in action. I’m not popular enough to have my own workout DVD, but I have been propositioned to make a few home movies and they weren’t for working out in the gym. *Scratches Head Again*

L: What was your favorite experience from RT this year?

C: Too many to describe in detail. But I would say that every chance I got to sit down and talk one on one with people, or with small groups of people would have to be first. There are very awesome people and getting to just chat with them a few minutes or hangin out with them at the pool was very cool in my book. Also, the Spartan Musical Chairs was a personal fave. I mean, I don’t get women throwin themselves at me like that...EVER!! I took full advantage of that night and if you didn’t see it, then you really missed out. I had the biggest smile on my face and think I enjoyed it too much, if that is possible.

L: Yeah…I saw that. I was sitting in the back of the room, suffering from exhaustion and waiting for someone to get injured with all those women bouncing on laps…

C: Getting injured was the last thing on my mind. When is having women throwing themselves at me and bouncing into my lap a bad thing? Ever? Hahaha! I could have played that game all night, or even taken it back to the *cough hotel room cough* Ugh, scuse me. Little something in my throat.

L: Really?!?! If I’d known that was an option, I’d have played! LOL! But is sounds like you’re not used to a great deal of attention from the ladies? How on earth can that be?

C: You should have played, but then we would have lost for cheating because I would just grab you and hold ya for the whole song. And I have Nooooo idea why women don’t throw themselves at me like they did that night. I guess it does help to keep me outta trouble. *SIGH*

L: Least favorite?

C: Leaving. It was like waking up from a dream. I was having too much fun but packing my stuff was my least favorite moment.

L: AAWWWWWWW! We miss u too! *sniff* But we will be back together next year leaving a swathe of mischief and mayhem in our wake! LOL!

C: Hee, hee hee!

L: Does that mean you’ll agree to be my partner in crime next year? LOL! I bet we could play a few good pranks!

C: Partner in Crime???? Girl, we gonna be next years Bonnie and Clyde for sure!!!

L: Why did you compete for the Mr. Romance title?

C: Annette Batista found me and told me about this. I give her all the credit in the world for what I have done with this. She saw me and believed in me with all my potential. She discovered me back in Sept 08 from Model Mayhem. I finally came to Tampa in Feb to shoot for the centerfold ad in Romantic Times Magazine and after the shoot, I met the organizers of the show. They told me all about this and I wanted to be a part of it. The two months leading up to the convention, I was looking online and doing research to see what I was getting myself into. It looked like such a blast. The rest is history.

L: My favorite place to be, the thing that gives me total peace, is in the dead of winter in my backyard.. There is just no sound, nothing there, like I have the whole world all to myself, and I find that really peaceful. What gives you peace?

C: Sitting on the beach. Watching the ocean and relaxing is very peaceful. But, Sitting on the beach with "My Kids" and hearing them laugh and having fun is what really brings a smile to my face. Throw in some deep-fried oreos and twinkies from the boardwalk in that equation and you have the blueprints of what HEAVEN is supposed to be like =-)

L: Dude…fried oreos? Like…*shudder* chemically altered sugar and cholesterol in a handy bite-size snack…wow. Must be a west coast thing. But my fave appetizers are fried pickles and jalapenos, so I guess I can’t say much huh? LOL!

C: Deep fried Twinkies, clam chowder in a bread bowl and salt water taffy are some of the best things Santa Cruz has to offer. Buuuutttt, I didn’t tell you about the “tuxedo apple”. Ok, picture this: green apple on a stick, you dipp the whole thing in caramel and let it dry. Then, you did about ¾ of it into while chocolate and let it dry. Then, you dip half of it in milk-chocolate and cover with nuts. Cut it up into slices, and that is exactly what they serve you in heaven while you are waiting in live to get in.

L: What really pisses you off?

C: Thieves and stuck-up people. I’m not above anyone else, and in the same respect, they are not above me. We are all equal. A title doesn’t make anyone more or less. And thieves because I hate the fact that everything you work hard for can be taken away in an instant by someone.

L: What gets you excited in the little kid kind of way?

C: Hmm, maybe the smell of a grill at a family BBQ. That’s the best way to describe it.

L: Oooohhhh! BBQ! Dammit, making me hungry here.

C: I’ll get the grill started.

L: What’s for dinner?

C: PSSHHH!!! We skippin dinner and going straight to dessert BAAAAYYYY-BAAAYYYY!!!! Guess what’s on the menu. =-)

L: *Speechless...AGAIN!*

L: What gets you excited in other ways?

C: GIGGADDY GIGGADDY!!! HAHAHA I’ll just let you find that out when I see you next time =-P

L: OMG! Is that a challenge? ‘Cause you just DON’T know who you’re dealing with here sugar! LOL!

L: Top or Bottom? And yes, I’m asking what you think I’m asking. But then, since you went to Castle in Tampa, you know better than most don’t you? LOL!

C: BEHIND!!! LOL! Top. Always. I like being in control and pleasing the woman I’m with. I can’t really do that laying down on my back right? Well, actually, I can.*giggles*

L: Damn it’s getting hot in here! LOL!

C: Hee, hee, hee! Let me help you cool off. *grabs piece of ice, put it in his mouth and slowly works the ice cube around your neck, mouth and chest area*

L: Oh, that’s it. You are SO getting attacked next year! LOL!

L: Give us your dimensions…

C: Uhm, I’m 5'8. 230lbs. 35 inch waist. 50 inch chest and biceps are 19 inches round.

L: GIDAMN! Yeah okay. You were a nice armful of man to hug…I remember that. I also think you might just have gotten the most body contact of all the guys there. Obviously a great deal of women at RT like a nice armful of man! LOL! So don’t slim down too much!

C: I’m a gentle teddy bear. There will always be something to grab onto with me. My butt is actually quite cushy, but wasn’t grabbed on as much. You ladies missed out on the moneymaker!

L: Ladies, having viewed said “moneymaker” I can say without any prejudice…he’s right! LOL!

C: HAHAHA You gonna post a link to that page for your lucky ladies???

L: If you insist! LOL!

L: Now care to give us your other dimensions?

C: My heart is the biggest part of my body. I know what you really want to know. Hee hee hee and I’m totally blushing. I don’t get any complaints about that either.

L: HEHEHEHE! Well played!

C: Checkmate!

L: Do you have tats and/or piercings? If so, what and where are they?

C: None.

L: Why not? Ok, you’re already hot, you don’t NEED them, but people do or don’t do these things for interesting reasons.

C: Eh, no idea. I’d love to do some temporary stuff and shoot with those. I’ve had some ideas for tats, but will wait until I become a photographer and stop modeling.

L: Really? When will that be and what were your ideas?

C: Only time will tell, but rest assured it will have something to do with my niece and nephews. And it will be over my heart.

L: Pets? What are they and names?

C: Sasha and Pancho. They are Dachshund Chihuahua mixed and the loudest dogs you will ever hear

L: If you had the life of your dreams and they made a movie about it, what would the theme song be?

C: Hmm. Not sure, but it would be sung by the Spanish rock band named MANA. Maybe BENDITA TU LUZ. It would be a song describing my wife and the happiness I have with her by just looking in her eyes. That or "Die without you" by PM DAWN

L: DUDE! PM DAWN!!!! Oh bringing back memories….

C: “Die Without You” will be my wedding song if that day ever comes. *Sheds tear*

L: Crap. I’m gonna have to strap myself down to keep from kidnapping you if you don’t stop being so damn perfect! LOL!

L: What has your life been like since you graduated from highschool?

C: Rollercoaster best describes it. But now, it’s like an elevator that doesn’t go down.

L: Here’s hoping you live in the penthouse for the rest of your life! Cheers!


L: What do you expect your life to be like now that you’ve won Mr. Romance 2009?

C: Expect nothing, but everyday is something new. I’d hope that the "TITLE" does give me some credit and respect because I have worked hard to get to this point in my life. The sacrifices I have made to be where I am at today, well, I still think about them and sometimes regret, but still move forward.

L: See, it’s just not fair. You’re cute, sweet, funny and sexy already, but now you gotta go and add mysterious to the mix? Are you TRYING to be irresistible? Because it’s working! LOL!

C: Mysterious??? HaHaHa, now that’s really gonna get a lot of women wanting to know about me. I think I need to write an autobiography and just let everyone know the story of the MAIN MAN. It does make for some good reading.

L: What is your taste in music?

C: I listen to everything. Right now I’m listening to Spanish Rock, Techno, and Hip Hop while answering this interview. My own Youtube playlist mix. HAHAHA

L: Expand my music horizons. Recommend some music to me…

C: MANA. I don’t speak Spanish fluently, but the music and beats are truly addicting. After I hear the songs, I have a friend translate them and then it makes sense why I like them. Also, Shakira sings Spanish as well. If you haven’t heard her Spanish stuff, then I highly recommend it. Eminem’s new song "WE MADE YOU" is probably the most addicting song in my head. I have always loved PINK!!!!!! "Please don’t leave me" is the best song she has ever made. You can hear the realness and sadness in her voice as she sings. I highly recommend you watch that video as well. It’s her best work in my opinion.

L: If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?

C: PSSHH!!! I am the MAN OF STEEL! I don’t need anymore powers. LOL. I’d love to have Superman’s powers. Strength and flying and all the extra stuff would be cool.

L: Does that make me Lois Lane? LOL! JK! LOL!

C: Oh Please! We all know you’re Wonder Woman! She’s way hotter than Lois!

L: Hmmm…I think I like it! LOL! When I was little, I used to have Wonder Woman Underoos and I ruined my grandma’s favorite Christmas garland making a “lasso of truth”. Lord my butt burned from that spanking! LOL!

C: Looks like we can all blame G-ma for making you a kinky freak. After that spanking, it was on wasn’t it? =-P

L: Not tellin'! LOL!

L: Tell us what competing for Mr. Romance was like…what are the rules? When did you enter? Was there a lot of work involved…etc…

C: Competing was cool. We all got along and the guys were great. There weren’t really any rules except be on your best behavior and gentleman like. I was just being myself the entire time and that’s what won it for me. We rehearsed daily for 3 hours sometimes. If it wasn’t that, we were at events. We didn’t get much downtime if any. I only went to my hotel room to nap and take a shower. The rest of the time, I was out and about having a blast with all the cool ass people there

L: What’s your favorite holiday and why?

C: I love Thanksgiving. Food and Family is all you need. But we do that every Sunday.

L: So then what makes Thanksgiving special?

C: It’s not everyday we eat deep-fried turkey. Sundays are BBQ’s and spaghetti. Thanksgiving is extra special because of all the other things we cook that we normally don’t cook. It’s also one of the hardest times of the year for us, but we all stay together.

L: My family prefers a good Turducken. Ever had one? And why is it so hard for ya’ll?

C: HaHaHaHa The good ole Turducken. Yeah, I’ve had it twice. And as far as the hard times, well, I’ve only lost one person in my life that I love. It happened the day after Thanksgiving. I’ll try to keep it short. Day after Thanksgiving, me and my girl at the time were laying down. I get a knock on my door and my step-dad said my grandfather was in the hospital ‘Code Blue’. We got up and rushed to the hospital. I knew as soon as I walked in the place that he was gone. I couldn’t feel him there anymore. I didn’t get to see him. I walked into the waiting room with the rest of the family. When the doctor came in with the bad news, I saw some of the worst images in my life. My mother breaking down is one of the hardest things I have seen in my life. That was her Dad; and they were very close. My G-Ma was in shock and didn’t grasp it all yet. I had the hard job of going to get my brother from work and tell him. Seeing my mom cry was hard, but watching a 6’2 320LB gentle giant of a man that I call my brother cry is a close second.HaHaHa, I’m actually tearing up writing this. It was the hardest night of my life. I don’t even know what the actual date was, but I always associate Black Friday with my grandfather’s death. He helped raise us and was there any time my mother struggled. I didn’t cry or shed any tears. But when I was at the funeral, I balled like a newborn baby. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I was strong the whole time for the family and they were ok, on that day, but it was my turn to let it out. I have never been so upset or sad in my life. I can only hpe that I am half the man he was so that I can see him again.

L: *Sniff*

L: What did you dress-up as last Halloween?

C: Ok, Picture this. Black slacks, white button up shirt with a tie. Hair combed to the side. But, underneath the white shirt was a Superman shirt. Add the reading glasses and open up the shirt and you have "Clark Kent" You can actually see the picture in my model mayhem page and I’ll send you a copy of it as well.

L: I LOVE that picture! LOL!

C: Man of Steel BAY-BAY!!

L: You know that embarrassing story that everyone’s mother just loves to tell? What is the one your mother tells about you?

C: Sigh....It’s a funny joke, but I was made from a broken condom. HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! I laugh every time I think about it. My siblings always make fun of me with that one. I’m the middle child. My older sister wasn’t planned. I was an accident and then my younger brother was a like "Oh well, let’s have a family" HaHaHaHa

L: Got any siblings?

C: Older sister and younger brother. We are all 3 years apart. Plus some step siblings.

L: What’s the highest level of education you finished?

C: High school. I did some college but it was hard to do at that time of my life

L: Gonna go back?

C: I might go back, but haven’t decided yet. I swear I have ADD and I’d rather do something that will keep me interested rather than try to do something I can’t do.

L: Don’t limit yourself sweetie. ADD or not, you’re smart enough to pull it off.

L: Where did you grow up?

C: I’ve lived in California my entire life. Nor-Cal area.

L: What hair style were you rockin’ in the 80’s?

C: OH GAWD!!! HAHAHAHA Mullet with lines on the sides of my head. I was Awesome!

L: Don’t worry, I had that side-ponytail mastered to an art form! LOL!

C: Soooo would have dated you then!

L: Favorite movie of all time?

C: Too many. But top three would be: Fools Rush In, Kingdom of Heaven, and Desperado/Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

L: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

C: Happy. LOL. As far as a profession, I think maybe a firefighter. Saving people.

L: Are you grown-up yet?

C: Not at all

L: Good answer! LOL!

L: Do you cook?

C: Yes.

L: Will you cook for me? LOL!

C: For sure. I can cook anything you want. Just to warn ya, I’ll only be wearing an apron and a smile. Can you handle that?

L: Oh honey…I can try! LOL!

L: What is your favorite food?

C: Hee hee hee....Well, there are some things that I LOVE to "EAT", but food wise, I’d say Sushi or Hawaiian BBQ

L: Naughty, naughty boy! LOL!

C: Hee, hee hee…nothing wrong with all you can eat buffets right?? I always go back for more!

L: *making plans to snatch him the second he walks through the doors at RT 2010…who’s with me?*

C: HMMM.....I wonder what you are thinking right now? You got this look on your face like you are planning something. *Scratches Head*

L: What is your least favorite food?

C: Fish. Plain fish. I eat that a lot when dieting and it’s nasty.

L: Ew!

C: PSSSHH!! You have no idea…..

L: What was your favorite subject in high school and why?

C: Drama. I love acting. I’m an animated character.

L: Ok, which animated character are you most like?

C: People have called me “Johnny Bravo”, but when I say animated character, I see myself more like Jim Carey or the guy from that show “The Soup”.

L: You are SO not Johnny Bravo! LOL! You’re too irresistible to be him…maybe…hmm…gonna have to take a vote on this one. Ladies?

L: What was your least favorite subject in high school and why?

C: Maybe home economics/cooking. I wanted to be a chef, but the teacher was biased on her students and wanted to be 'cool' with the popular kids. I started my senior year with a goal to go to culinary school in SF, but after her class, I was really turned off by it. Ya, I know I shouldn’t let things like that stop my goals, but it just led me to another direction in my life.

L: OH! That BITCH! Should we tar and feather her for you? LOL!

C: No, I think she might like that. I know I do. Mmmmm…….

L: Oh really? *Luci gets an evil gleam in her eyes and makes plans for later on…hehehehe!*

C: There is something evil about the way you are looking at me now. I still wonder that you are thinking.

L: Some guys are gadget guys and some guys are car guys, some are outdoorsmen…what are you?

C: I’m a gym rat I guess. HAHAHA. I’m not good with gadgets or even how to change the oil in a car, but I can make you lose weight and get in shape.

L: LOL! HAHAHA! LOL! No comment. I could get in SO much trouble with that one but I’ll behave and leave it alone! LOL!

C: Oh no, no, no! Please by all means, come get in trouble!

L: I’ll get with you later then! LOL!

L: Tell me what the inside of your place looks like. Is it messy? Do you have art on the walls? What color is your couch and did you pick it out?

C: If you really want to know, you should come and see for yourself =-P.

L: Dude, you know what? You come visit me in Pensacola, FL, and I promise you, after that I will happily schlep my ass to the other side of the country for you in return! But I warn you, I’d be bringing friends with me, ‘cause they’d never believe me otherwise! LOL! I dare ya! LOL!

C: Hahaha! If I came to visit you, I might not leave. Plus, if you guys came here, you would fall in love with this place and stay as well. Make sure the friends you bring don’t mind sharing me. Taking care of them and making sure they are satisfied. I’m a giver and always treat my guests well.

L: Prepare yourself sugar. You’re about to have your very own harem! LOL!

L: When you’re hanging with your boys, what is your absolute favorite thing to do?

C: Sitting at a Sushi Bar and talking about Life. Or, training real hard at the gym in the morning and then going out to breakfast after. We don’t really go out to the clubs or anything like that, we are simple.

L: Sounds good to me! I’ll be moving to your town in about…a week sound good to you? LOL! I live in a military-fueled town. A little less loose testosterone and blood-pumping beats sounds really good. Plus it annoys me that most available men are between the ages of 18 and 22. The rest are either married or gay. So if you’ve got good single guys out there that are mildly attractive, I’m moving and bringing all my girls with me! LOL!

C: Let’s face it, finding people today is like finding parking spots at Wal-Mart. All the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped. And as soon as you see an opening on one, somebody snatches it up right before your eyes. HAHAHAHA. But please bring allll your girls with you. They don’t need parking spots, I’ll give them ‘Valet’ Service. =-)

L: Tell me something about yourself that will just TOTALLY shock me. I hope you realize how hard that will be. Up to the challenge? LOL!

C: There was a time at the beginning of the year where I couldn’t get out of bed. The smile you saw on my face at the convention wasn’t on my face at the end of last year. I’ve come along way in the past 5 months. Trust me, it’s been a hard year for THE MAIN MAN.

L: AW! No way! It doesn’t show at all! You must feel like the last 12 months have been “the best of times and the worst of times”.

C: In love, heartbroken, depressed. Just a few words to describe it.

L: What was your most embarrassing moment so far in life?

C: Hmm, I really can’t say. I don’t get embarrassed that much. Awkwardness maybe, but not embarrassed. You saw an "AWKWARD" moment first hand when I was sincere and got rejected by an author who will remain nameless. It’s not embarrassing when that happens, but it does make me think, "did I do something wrong or offend them?" I try not to dwell on those moments, but I can’t help but think what did I do wrong. Meh, it happens.

L: Yeah. *stares at toes*. Sorry about that.

C: Hmmmm. Ya, Thanks for the set-up kiddo. It’s ok. I wish her nothing but happiness and success and would still do a cover for her anytime. I really wished she would have gotten a chance to know me a bit. I wasn’t gonna marry her, hit on her, nor ask her for a date or even a vote. I just wanted to introduce myself and be in the presence of someone who I thought was a genuine and cool person. It’s not the first time I’ve been made the fool. At the same time, I don’t let things like this hold me back from acting the way I do.

L: What has been the happiest moment of your life so far?

C: Happiest moment hasn’t happend yet. But hearing "BABY GIRL" say her first word and seeing her walk for the first time are two moments that stand out to me.

L: OMG, why the hell aren’t you hog tied to some lucky woman yet?

C: Hahaha! Me, hog-tied to some lucky woman? Thank for the visual. *sigh* Actually, I have no idea why I’m not “taken”. Maybe you and your readers can help me with that? *gives sad puppy-dog eyes and untucks bottom lip*

L: *commotion starts as the audience tries to swarm the bar as one giant mass of hungry women!* Back-off ladies! He’s mine! ...for the moment anyway! LOL!

L: What has been the saddest moment?

C: Leaving a piece of my heart in New Jersey at the end of last year. That is a WHOLE other interview and story to talk about. But It won’t come out unless I’ve had a bottle of Patron. It’s a very hard thing to talk about and still keeps me up at night when I think about it.

L: I know the feeling.

C: Then it looks like we need two bottles of Patron for this one sunshine.

*Luci leans way out of her chair* “Waiter? Excuse me! We need some liquor here!

L: Who is in your spank bank?

C: *Dies Laughing* WOW!!! That is hilarious! Um, well besides you, there are no others!

L: *blushes* Why, thank you honey! LOL!

L: Have you ever read a romance novel?

C: Nope.

L: If I send you one, will you read it and tell me what you think? (Don’t worry, I don’t write, so it won’t be mine.)

C: Yes I would.

L: There you go again, blindly agreeing to stuff. *shakes head* You just don’t know what you’re gonna get into! LOL!

C: Well, maybe that’s part of my evil plan. *grin*

L: Oh my…how intriguing! *evil half-smile peeks out*

L: Have you ever had your heart broken?

C: Sigh.....yes.

L: I curse her to the seventh ring of hell for it then. She was stupid. Feel better?

C: Oh come on! They are still very much loved. It’s ok. Like the Nelly Furtado song goes, “it’s back in God’s Hands”.

L: No, see now we’re all jealous! LOL!

L: In high-school, were you one of the cool kids or one of the dorks?

C: I wasn’t a "Popular Senior" I spent more time with the underclassmen and helping them out. It’s funny, I had more people looking up to me in high school then I had seniors who were friends. I’d rather have the respect from the classmates and faculty rather than a Mr. Popular title. Ya know?

L: In the Mr. Romance Competition, you said your man goal in life is to get married and have kids. Every woman in the room sighed. So tell us what your perfect life would be like.

C: HAHAHA Funny because I just did an interview with BETWEENYOURSHEETS.COM and I answered the same question. I’d love to fall in Love and get married. Be happy and start a family. Where I REALLY see myself in the future, is coming home from work hearing my Dog barking as I walk up and having my kids run out the door to hug "DADDY" as my Beautiful wife stands in the doorway with a smile on her face. That’s happiness, and that is what I really want in a perfect life. Make sense?

L: Seriously…why the hell are you single?

C: No idea dude!! We should do a contest. “Date Mr. Romance”! Actually, that sounds more like a reality show that you will see on VH1 so we will put that back on the drawing board.

L: Oh lord save us all from reality TV. You need a date, honey, just let me set you up. Granted you’ll have to wait until next RT because all of my available friends live…elsewhere. But…LOL!

L: Tell us what you saw as the top mistakes that the other Mr. Romance contestants made that left you in the position to win.

C: Hmm....I honestly can’t say what mistakes they made. I didn’t focus time on them. I was more focused on the people there and making sure they were having a great time while they were around me. When I did look up, I saw the other guys engaged in conversation and the people around them looked happy. I guess I would have to ask you, what was it I did to make me stand out more than the others? And that would be the answer =-). As far as the actual competition, I was myself and like I said, I am an animated character. I sold myself and I knew what I was doing. I wasn’t shy, and I knew how to work with what I got. I actually heard after the show, that I wasn’t one of the top picks at first because I was um, how do I saw this, "Bigger" than some of the other guys. They were afraid I wouldn’t be able to portray a character, but once they gave me the chance to show my potential, I’t was in the bag. I think that taking off my jacket during our walk down the runway sealed the deal. I told the model, Linda Hines, that was my plan and that will seal the deal. They other guys did the whole dip and pose thing, but after you heard the reaction from the crowd when I took off my Jacket, It was lights out game over =-)

L: It certainly was a hit! LOL!

C: Funny, because it was something I would do on a date anyways. I was just being myself.

L: You were walking around talking to hundreds of women even though it made you really nervous (which was just adorable btw). So how does a model manage to be shy talking to women?

C: It’s more of a fear of rejection. I’m one of the nicest and most sincere guys you can ever meet. I get nervous because I don’t like making people uncomfortable and stuff. That’s why I usually wait for them to come and talk to me. I can handle rejection fine, trust me I have had lots of practice. But it’s the feeling of did I do something wrong that bugs me. I am very shy still when it comes to talking to women, but after a few words, I can pretty much see where the conversation will be going and feel more at ease.

L: *shakes head and turns away grumbling about idiot women…*

C: HAHAHAHAHA Grumble, Grumble, Grumble.

L: When you’re in front of the camera lens, do you have any limits?

C: HAHAHAHAHA....You obviously haven’t seen my "NUDE" port yet have you?

L: No…is that an invitation? LOL! Better watch out you might replace my inspiration pic on my desktop! LOL!

C: I’ll send you the link later. Unless you’ve already found it. I must say, it’s very classy and artistic. You will enjoy. Think body builder with an Ansel Adams twist.

L: OMG, those pics are…very artistic…and HOT!!!!!!! Wow.

C: Glad you like what you see sunshine. Now don’t be greedy and share the love with your viewers. I’m actually proud of those short. It’s some of my best work and I think you can agree. I can’t do the full-frontals…..yet =-).

L: Oh I think you could...LOL! But ok here ya go ladies!

L: How ready are you for this interview to be over? LOL!

C: I’m actually ready for more questions. I’m thinking you are actually giving me a Job Interview and are gonna show this to a bunch of your single friends and hook me up with some of them aren’t ya? HAHAHA.

L: *slides the list of names next to notebook out of sight* I have no idea what you’re talking about… *blinks innocently* LOL!

C: Hey!! Bring that back over here!! *Tackles you and ties you up* See. I should have done this at the beginning of the interview. Now that this “job interview” is over, we will now do the “physical” part of the interview.

L: I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed an interview this much! LOL!

L: When I see you at RT next year, you better give me a hug! LOL!

C: PSSHH!! Don’t be surprised if I tackle ya in the lobby or steal your room key and surprise you back at your place =-P HEE HEE HEE.

L: Not if I get to you first! My nickname ain’t Tigger for nothin’! LOL!

C: Well, you know the wonderful thing about Tiggers!! XOXOXO

L: What are you afraid of or what scares you?

C: I’m not afraid of anything. HaHaHa. Yeah Right! Anyone who says they are not afraid of anything is full of it. We all have our fears. Mine is losing the ones I love most, which are my kids. I would be nothing without them. If I lost them, I don’t know what I would do. I wouldn’t be around for very uch longer. I would die form a broken heart. That’s my biggest fear. Losing my kids and losing my mom. My mom always assures me that everything will be alright. If I lose that, I lose myself.

L: I am a horribly light sleeper, which is why I sleep with a fan on high literally in my face. I bury myself under my warm quilts and turn on that fan and it's loud enough to drown out most background noise and constant enough for me to get used to so it doesn't keep me awake. How do you sleep?

C: I always sleep naked. Seriously. I toss and turn a lot and wearing clothes is a pain in the butt. I hate sleeping alone. I’m most comfortable when I’m not alone in bed. I remember being with my ex and sleeping in bed and being so comfortable and getting the best sleep I’ve ever had. If I woke up in the middle of the night, and she wasn’t near, I would pull her close to me, kiss her on the cheek and ‘spoon’ until I fell back asleep. Grabbing her and knowing she was near made me feel at ease. When she would grab me in the middle of the night and hold me, made me feel even better.

L: *making plans to break into his room at next RT. who's with me?*

And that, is FINALLY the end. Hope everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed asking all those invasive questions! I plan an update interview for somewhere around March, so keep an eye out for it!

My Diet - Week...8?

It’s FINALLY time for an update! Sorry ya’ll, got traumatized by work and life. The last time I weighed in at the actual center, I think I was 267. As of this morning, the scale said 258. That’s almost 3 weeks to loose 9 pounds, however, I was steadily loosing a pound a day until Sunday. Saturday I was 257, Sunday morning I was 263. And I’ve been steadily fighting it down since then. Most of this is due to PMS. Ya’ll ladies know what I’m talking about. You know it’s coming because you get bloated first. So I’m dealing with it, waiting for the main show to arrive (because it hasn’t yet which is worse), hoping once it does I suddenly drop 5 lbs in one day the same way I gained it overnight.

I’ve been on the 700 calorie diet for like 9 days now and it’s driving me crazy. But when I eventually get in there to do a weigh-in I’m sure it will be worth it. So I promised to explain the actual levels of the diet I’ve been through so far.

500 Calories
You start off here. You’re only supposed to be on this one long enough to get into a state call ketosis, wherein your body is basically tricked into eating fat instead of muscle for energy. You do this by cutting you carbs and increasing your protein intake by what most doctors consider dangerous percentages. Some of the side-effects of ketosis are severely low blood-sugar and kidney stones, which I’m prone to. You test your ketosis level using Ketone strips you can get at any drug store. I get 50 for $10 at Walgreens.

So here is a page out of my food diary while I was on the 500 calorie diet:

Water = 140 ounces
Fish Oil= 4 Capsules
Coffee with Splenda = 2
1 Orange flavored supplement (60 calories and tastes like Tang. I love it!)
1 boiled egg
1 slice of bread
1 cup lettuce
4 ounce of chicken
½ cup steamed spinach
1 cup lettuce
1 double chocolate pudding supplement (90 calories and also very yummy)

So I drink 20 ounces of water first thin when I wake up. By 7am, I have my first supplement. These are protein-rich supplements designed to keep you from being hungry. Three hours later I have the egg and use it to take my medicine, 2 of the fish oil capsules and the multivitamin and mineral pills they give you. By this time I’ve had 60 ounces of water. Three hours after that I have lunch, which is the slice of bread and the cup of lettuce and another 20 ounces of water. I can use that salad spritzer if I want, which is one calorie per spray, but after a while it gets old. Three hours later I have dinner, which is the chicken, the vegetable and the lettuce and 20 ounces of water. Three hours after that I have the other supplement and another 20 ounces of water or double that right before I go to bed.

The first time I did this, it took me 7 days to show as being in ketosis. Drove myself crazy every morning peeing on the strip and waiting 15 seconds before looking, only to see nothing…when I finally saw the strip turn the faintest pink color I was so happy!

From this point, you’re supposed to move up to the 600 calorie diet…provided you don’t cheat and knock yourself out of ketosis, which I did…often.

The 600 calorie diet isn’t much different. Just replace the food on the list above with other food Breakfast was ½ of a small orange and a slice of diet bread with diet spreadable cheese on it. Lunch was a egg and a cup of salad and dinner was 4 ounces of chicken, ½ cup of vegetable and a slice of diet bread.

The 700 calorie diet that I’m now on is ½ slice of bread and an egg for breakfast, 3 ounces of chicken, ½ an apple and a cup of lettuce for lunch and 4 ounces of chicken, ½ cup of vegetable and ½ slice of bread for dinner.

All in all, it’s boring stuff, but sticking to it is getting harder and harder. I’ve spoken to several different people who either have finished this diet or are in the maintenance phase of it after having lost the weigh they wanted to lose. Some cheated on a regular basis and some didn’t cheat at all. The one thing I have noticed is that each person had to find the thing that worked for them before actually being ok in the diet as a whole. One girl found that if she let herself cheat at all, she went on week-long binders eating everything in sight. Another found that if she just cheated for one meal once per week, it made being good the rest of the time possible. Personally, the second one seems to work for me. I let myself have one meal per week where I eat what I want. Not huge mountains of food. Just normal portion sizes, and I don’t order ANYTHING large-size except maybe my diet coke on occasion.

Speaking of “occasion”, I had the best laugh last week. I went to McD’s for Little Man on our way to…crap. Can’t even remember where we were going. But anyway…
We went and I was getting him a happy meal and just a large diet coke for myself, and we’re sitting in the drive-thru waiting to order and he looks out the window and yells, “Look mommy! Kitties!” He LOVES animals in general but cats seem to be his favorite so far. You know there are always strays living around the dumpsters at restaurants and at this particular location there’s a McD’s, Barnhill’s, Sonic, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut…you name it, it’s all in one spot. So these cats are living large. So he’s sitting there making goo-goo faces at the kitties and he stops and says, “Mommy how can you tell if it’s a boy kitty or a girl kitty?” By this time of day, I’m brain dead. I basically tend to just tune him out and reply to his queries on auto-pilot, but by some miracle that day I was half-way paying attention to him as he prattled away and actually managed to respond “By looking very closely honey, we can’t tell at this distance.” They were a good 50 feet away.

So I’m staring at the sign McD’s has showing the toys they’re currently giving out, wondering when beanie babies will die in general and he goes, “wait mommy, I zoomed in, it’s a girl.”
Now I have to explain. When people ask me questions, I have what basically amounts to a zillion pairs of eyes in my head that look up information so I can answer them fairly intelligently. When I give you a stupid answer, you can bet those eyes are not working for one reason or another. But occasionally, when someone says something that just totally stumps me, it’s like all those pairs of eyes get crossed at the same time and you get a system error…that’s what happened to me here. I was like, “WTF?” I knew there was no set of binoculars or anything in the car and as I’m turning my head to look at him I’m wondering how the hell he “zoomed” in…and then I see.

He wears glasses as most of you know. He had slid the glasses off his nose and was holding them about 2 inches in front of his eyes…that was his “zoom”! LOL! It was priceless! I tried SO HARD not to laugh I bit my tongue until it bled. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but it was hilarious.

Anyway, that’s my diet update. Life in general has been hell on wheels lately. Work is aggressively seeking to thin out the ranks, so everyone is looking over everyone’s shoulders and the atmosphere is tense to say the least. Beyond that, I diet because that’s the only food I have in my house and in a time of turmoil having a routine is comforting. I cheat once a week Saturday nights with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s all to myself. My current fave flavor is Americone Dream. And looking forward to that all week every week helps keep me on track. I’ve stopped testing for ketosis because I was driving myself crazy checking several times a day to see if I was in or out of it and none of it really matters because I’m still loosing weight. Besides, know that I know ketosis can cause kidney stones, having actually had surgery in February to break some up so I could pass them, I really don’t want a daily reminder that if I’m in ketosis, which is good, it will cause kidney stones, which is bad. My psyche can’t take the pressure basically.

Other than that, I just function like a good little robot. I don’t see it in the picture, but maybe you can. Everyone keeps telling me I’m disappearing before their eyes. Of course they’re always looking at my chest when they say this so it tends to piss me off more than flatter me. But they mean well.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Just a little poem without a title as of yet

Twinkle, twinkle starry sky.
Decorate the night.
Be the backdrop for my dreams.
Let my mind take flight.

Soar we now o'er mountains peaking,
twisting toward the moon.
Lull me softly with stories speaking
into sleep's cocoon.

Rest gently now my head on clouds,
my body in gossamer draped.
My eyes coax closed, my hands gently stilled,
from waking, let me escape.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Diet - Weeks 4 & 5

I know this is late. I’ve been avoiding it for two whole weeks. And at first I didn’t have a reason to avoid it other than I was just being childish. But after that, I was avoiding it because I was ashamed.

So the bald truth is that I cheated this weekend and went TOTALLY off diet. I ate pretty much whatever was put in front of me.

However, that was preceded by the news that I’d lost a total of 21.5 lbs in my 4 weeks! YAY! It was obvious because all of my pants where practically falling off me. That’s a mixed blessing. Everyone keeps telling me they can really see the difference. I can’t, but if you think about it, that’s four 5lb bags of sugar. THAT’S HUGE!

So I stood naked in front of my mirror and started examining myself and I STILL don’t see it. People say they see it in my face…I spent an hour examining my face in the mirror.

No matter how hard I try I don’t see it. I feel it a little. My pants are looser and I need a belt. But that’s it. On top of that, Little Man went away to summer camp for the first time.

Most mothers would be overjoyed to have a week without the kids. And I must say I had planned out my “dream schedule” for while he was gone. But once I actually dropped him off and he told me “You can leave now mommy” and wouldn’t let me kiss him in front of his friends, I just kind of broke.

I cried the whole way home. I sat like a lump and stared at my computer. I had no words for the diet. They were all tied up in the fact that my baby is growing up! I’m not ready for this yet! I suppose no parent thinks themselves ready for their offspring to grow up, but it hit me hard and fast I guess.

Over the next 5 days, I stared at books that I needed to read, stared at my computer screen and stared at my TV, all without actually paying attention to any of it. I remember how long he took to walk and how we took him to speech therapy because he was 2 and not talking yet, only to be told that he would talk when he had something to say. I remember how scared and pissy I was when he was delivered by emergency C-section more than 2 months before he was due and how incredibly angry I was that I hadn’t even gotten the chance to take ONE Lamaze class. I don’t know why but that seemed very important at the time.

Eventually I pulled myself out of my stupor enough to at least attempt to play his video games. The plan was to be kinda good at it by the time he came home, because apparently, according to him, I suck. And on the day he came back, when my grandmother picked him up while I was at work and called me to let me talk to him, I cried silently while he told me how much fun he’d had and how he was happy to be home.

He came home 7/2, so we went straight into the holiday weekend. So I gorged. I ate every single thing placed in front of me and I just COULDN’T stop myself (which is total bullshit because I could have, but I didn’t want to and rationalized the hell out of my behavior).

I have explanations for it. Right before he left, I started my period, which I’d missed for the last 3 months (not at all uncommon for me). So it came and it made up for lost time. It was heavier, harder and lasted longer than it usually does. My diet counselor thought this was probably because of the extreme nature of the diet. Whatever it was, I was DYING of hunger. This part, I couldn’t exaggerate if I tried. I was so hungry my stomach was literally cramping for lack of food. Now, I don’t think this excuses my food consumption at all because it did stop. It stopped 2 days before the holiday weekend. I behaved myself the whole time. I was very good. I did exactly what I was supposed to do and didn’t eat anything I wasn’t supposed to have.

But once I hit the holiday weekend, I guess I just thought it was owed to me. Like I deserved to feast after the week I’d just been through and of course also to celebrate losing weight! LOL! That’s right! In my head, I thought I was celebrating my weight loss…by eating. And I knew better!

So I went in Monday for my body composition and weigh-in. And I admitted to everything. Plus I took Little Man and he told on me the MINUTE that door was closed! LOL!

And they told me that if I don’t straighten up and fly right, they will have to kick me out of the ketosis diet and put me on something else. On another diet I will still lose weight, just not as fast. I have a personal time-line to keep, so this got to me. Apparently, it’s not safe for me to keep dropping back into the 500 calorie diet.

So this means that I absolutely cannot, for any reason, go off diet again for at least the next 11 weeks. I have to finish my first 16 week program before I can even think about rewarding myself with food. And even then, I will have to temper myself and have some seriously extreme control.

The good news is I only gained 1.5 pounds, but if you think about it, I probably lost 4 pounds during the week between and actually gained back 5.5 to leave me at a grand total of 20 lbs lost. Still not bad at all, but could be better.

So I need to lose 117 more pounds in the next 27 weeks. That’s 4.3 lbs per week. My track record shows me that’s possible. But I’m still feeling a little guilty for my binge last weekend. I got to weigh again tomorrow. Let’s hope me behaving myself since Monday actually pays off.
No picture today. Honestly, I’m already dressed for bed and I just don’t feel like getting up again.

I know I’m feeling sorry for myself. I know that my accomplishments so far are nothing to sneeze at. I know that I can do this and the sacrifice I need to make to achieve my goal isn’t THAT big in the grand scheme of things.

But I can tell you that I’ll be dreaming of cupcakes tonight! *rolls eyes* It’s sad, but completely true. You can take the obesity out of the person, but you can’t take the person out of the obesity. Nope, that’s something they have to do for themselves. So I may need some personal growth work during the course of this diet too.